How you could heal your entire bloodline…
We all have gone through very unique experiences in our lives and our previous generations have as well. You may not realize it but you have. Every single person has gone through something unique in their lives. We’ve also received teachings from previous generations that have given us tools to be the person we are today. Not everything we’ve received is something that we’ve asked for, but we have received them. I was having a conversation with a friend and he was talking about how he’s always been a curious person and loved to learn and dissect unique things. And he was also kind of curious of how he learned that on his own. My response to his thought was:
“You learned from someone during childhood and most likely a lot from your parents or the people very close to you.”
He didn’t agree with that answer which is fine, but truthfully, I believe we are the way we are is because we are all students from everything surrounding us. I’ll never forget this example that Tai Lopez gave when speaking to another person,
“How did you know not to cross the street when a truck was coming?”
He was inferring that someone or something taught us not to cross the street when a 2 ton truck is coming by. Now, I don’t say this to say that we don’t have autonomy over our experiences in life, but that we are always learning in some way. As we get older and are more capable humans, our pre-frontal cortex’s seem to be more in charge and able to make more autonomous choices. Once we start making our own choices with more certainty and independence, the more we have the ability to make deeper changes within ourselves.
I hired a mentor in January of 2022 to help me understand all the occurrences that were happening on a global scale in the years, 2020-2022, that woke people up to new realities. His expertise is in the tool, EMDR, which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. Apparently, EMDR does something that every human could use but most humans will never truly know about or understand. I’ve actually said this many many times is that it’s a divine tool that has been put on this earth for a bigger purpose. I don’t know what it is but it’s definitely here for the taking.
Now, I’m going to go ahead and hand you this quote that you can keep with you forever… if there is one line to truly remember out of this article is this:
“EMDR does not have respect for your thoughts.” -Richard Hite
When I started working with Richard and learning this tool he would readily use this line. It was actually one of the most motivating things he ever said to me that gave me chills.
When I started working with him I was in a place of darkness of some kind. For 90 days straight I could only sleep 30 minutes a night so needless to say I was not in the best way, mentally. I had woken up to a new understanding of the world and I didn’t know how to comprehend what I had learned. To briefly describe what I had learned was that the movie ‘The Matrix’ was more real than my mind could have handled. I started seeing the world from a new perspective that opened my eyes that put an overwhelming shock to my soul.
When I started working with him I said exactly this,
“I wish there was something that could erase what I had learned.”
Eventually, he basically said that what EMDR does is exactly that. It teaches your brain how to have the thoughts that you want and that you physically train your brain to keep the desired ones and let go of the undesired ones. In talk therapy people can talk for years and years and never see the change that they are searching for. With EMDR, again, it does not respect the thoughts you do not want because it physically trains the brain. Just like working your favorite muscle in the gym.
Through the mentorship I gave him permission to guide me in going after every single trauma in my life all at once. For most people, I would never say that they can handle this process and I am not saying that I am the strongest person for this process, but I was ready for it because of the pain I was in. So off we were in going after all my life’s traumas and opening up every single wound while only sleeping 30 minutes a night. One of my friends said that I was going through a spiritual death of some sort. I would describe it as the best thing I never want to do again.
Throughout the process I was learning and observing things about my bloodline that I did not know was apparent. Out of respect for family’s heritage I will not get into specifics, but I will share examples of bloodline traumas that are actually pretty common. One of them that is the most common are traumas around the view on money. When a child is born they are unconsciously given all the traumas of their parents and the people around them. I don’t think it’s avoidable because the child’s brain devoirs information in order to grow.
And real quick, for those that say children are dumb or clueless and can’t pick up on things even at 1 years old, you really need to do your homework. Especially before having a child. They can feel everything unconsciously. They become more like you than you could possibly comprehend. Now let’s say a child has a parent or parents that are always having family problems around money then they are going to feel those problems and inherit them in some way. Not perfectly, but in some way. The problems come from the human movement that surrounds them.
For example, let’s say you are in serious debt when you have a child, they are going to feel the emotions and human movement around that situation. If you eat oranges all the time as a parent, I don’t think it means you will love oranges, but you will have a sense around oranges.
Now, here is my next favorite line by Richard Hite,
“With the eye movements (EMDR) you can heal your entire blood line.”
Remember, the brain teaches the body how to connect with the world based on its experiences. What if you could change the brain to get rid of thoughts and behaviors that were taught through your family’s heritage? For example, lets say your family always felt shame or shamed themselves as a group as a strategy to move through life. And therefore all your decisions were out of shame which was destroying your physiology from the inside? EMDR does not respect that and you can literally wiggle this belief out of your system with enough practice and replace it with a better belief.
One belief that Richard loves to use is,
“I always do my best.”
This is a very profound belief because you that if you are always doing your best then there is no shame. And if there is no more shame then there could be less pain. And once you heal a belief that has been in your bloodline that you may no longer need, you can heal the rest of your family by your new way of being.
“We are the sum of the 5 people we hang around.”
I love this quote that has been used by so many successful people. What if you are the one family member that can shed a new way of being into the family because you are putting in the work? As I continue healing myself I notice that there are a few people around me that are healing.
Now, for the remainder of this passage, I want you to imagine a family that has always been broke, even desperate for money. And sometimes each member acts desperate in a way that they don’t even know they are portraying. Then, they are either physically or emotionally draining the family of value. The stress of being broke can destroy the morale of a family from so many angles because they know they are never really safe. Desperation and low value can then destroy the family and happiness is left in the darkness.
With EMDR one can completely change the dynamic by training their brain to develop new life skills and strategies that can be brought to the family. Eventually, the family can learn these new skills and the bloodline from previous generations can change drastically. I am not saying this is easy, but I am saying it’s possible. Think about it objectively, if you physically train your brain like training a muscle in the gym and the previous generation never physically trained the brain, the bloodline can be changed because it’s physical.
I will be writing more content about EMDR and more specific stories around this, but for now, I may kind of leave you hanging. For those who are out there and going through family traumas, just know that there are tools in this world waiting for you.
Please share this if it can be helpful to someone out there.
Best regards,
The observing Man